1994, volume 46

Volume 46, 1994(1994)

  • TREVISANI E., 1994 - Evoluzione paleogeografica e stratigrafia sequenziale del margine orientale del Lessini    Shelf   durante    l’Eocene    inferiore-medio (Marosticano – Bassanese, Prealpi Venete).
  • ZANTEDESCHI C., 1994 – New Rb-Sr radiometric data from Colli Euganei (North-Eastern Italy).
  • COLACICCHI R. and MONACO P., 1994 – Pure carbonate gravity flow deposits of the Scaglia basin compared with central Apennine siliciclastics (Marnoso-Arenacea and Laga): analogies and differences.
  • MARINO M. e MONECHI S., 1994 – Nuovi dati sull’età di alcuni Flysch ad Helmintoidi cretacei e terziari dell’Appennino Settentrionale.
  • PRANOVI F. and SERANDREI BARBERO R., 1994 - Bentic Communities of Northern Adriatic Areas Subject to Anoxic Conditions.
  • DI BARI D. and LAGHI G.F., 1994 - Involutinidae Bütschli (Foraminiferida) in the Carnian of the northeastern   Dolomites (Italy).
  • MASSARI F., NERI C. PITTAU P., FONTANA D. and STEFANI C., 1994 - Sedimentology, palynostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of a continental to shallow-marine rift-related succession: Upper Permian of the eastern Southern Alps (Italy).
  • RUSSO F., MASTANDREA A. and BARACCA A., 1994 - Microstructure, biomineralization and diagenesis of the halichondrid stromatoporoid Stromatowendtia triassica n. gen. n. sp.
  • SIRNA G., DALLA VECCHIA F.M., MUSCIO G. and PICCOLI G., 1994 – Catalogue of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Vertebrates and Vertebrate localities of the Tre Venezie area (North Eastern Italy).
  • LUCIANI V. and COBIANCHI M., 1994 – Type section of the Mattinata Formation (lower Cretaceous, Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy): new biostratigraphic data (calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers).
  • LELKES-FELVARI G., SASSI R. and ZIRPOLI G., 1994 – Lithostratigraphy and Variscan metamorphism of the Paleozoic sequences in the Bakony Mountains, Hungary.
  • REGGIANI P. and SALA B., 1994 – Archidiskodon cf. gromovi (Proboscidea, Elephantidae) from Savignano sul Panaro, Modena (Northeastern Italy).
  • DE CAPITANI L., DELITALA M.C., LIBORIO G., MOTTANA A., RODEGHIERO F. and THÖNI M., 1994 – The granitoid rocks of the Val Navazze, Val Torgola and Val di Rango (Val Trompia, Lombardy, Italy).
  • BONDESAN A., CAVALLIN A., GIULIANO G., MARI G.M. [Collaboration in computer processing by FLORIS B., DE AMICIS M.], 1994 – Regional Infiltrability Map of the Po and Veneto-Friuli Plain.
  • BENCIOLINI L., 1994 – Metamorphic evolution of the Silvretta    gabbro    and   related    rocks    (Upper Austroalpine, Central Alps). Its bearing on the pre-Mesozoic history of the Alpine area basement.
  • ROCCAFORTE P., SORBINI L., PICCOLI G., 1994 – The fossiliferous sites with Tertiary Vertebrates in Northeastern Italy.
  • VILLI V., 1994 – Instantaneous unit hydrographs by Gamma models.
  • BIGIOGGERO B., COLOMBO A., DEL MORO A., GREGNANIN A., MACERA P. and TUNESI A., 1994 – The Oligocene Valle del Cervo Pluton: an example of shoshonitic magmatism in the Western Italian Alps.
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